After 52 years I am retiring. Normally surveys are not filed at county courthouses with the deed after a conveyance. I did not retain paper copies, however, digital copies remain. These surveys are available at a nominal fee depending upon the breath of the survey and its complexity. These are copies. The client was provided original, executed documents. For those interested, complete reports can be provided which include State Plane coordinates for temporary and "as set corners".
Please contact Survey Plats, LLC email jmh8743 at bellsouth dot net. Please provide section, township, range or tax id number and name. Once I receive your request, the data files will be promptly and you will be notified concerning data available and a processing fee. Please note the name of the client is not part of the search criterion. The name will be redundant. I will consider exclusive rights to this data. This price is negociable.
Please contact Survey Plats, LLC email jmh8743 at bellsouth dot net. Please provide section, township, range or tax id number and name. Once I receive your request, the data files will be promptly and you will be notified concerning data available and a processing fee. Please note the name of the client is not part of the search criterion. The name will be redundant. I will consider exclusive rights to this data. This price is negociable.
Below is an example of part of one project.
Adjusted Coordinates (FeetUS)
Station N E Elev Description
4 1503116.8137 2161662.1272 683.0461 row
76 1503016.3191 2161687.6285 684.9252 cap
77 1503017.1790 2161879.4018 695.8366 cap
78 1503039.6181 2162093.5535 702.6816 cap
ST01 1503136.8244 2162006.7174 693.4223
5 1503122.6521 2161715.1563 685.2866 row
6 1503121.7656 2161740.9958 687.1200 row
7 1503127.3757 2161925.1529 692.5116 harris
S1 1503634.5686 2161947.2792 682.5631 hub
ST03 1504407.5851 2162240.7468 688.8999 nail
ST02 1504423.0189 2162060.6834 687.0052
10 1504280.4186 2161945.3846 684.8194 crimppipe
11 1504301.7303 2161947.8257 686.2035 1/2rbr
13 1504276.3958 2161952.9890 685.2850
20 1503286.0467 2162044.0747 690.1116
Adjusted Positions and Ellipsoid Heights (FeetUS)
(Average Geoid Height = 0.000 Meters, 0.000 FeetUS)
Station Latitude Longitude Ellip Ht
4 34-07-48.952067 86-51-42.105876 683.0461
76 34-07-47.956379 86-51-41.809998 684.9252
77 34-07-47.953020 86-51-39.528694 695.8366
78 34-07-48.161727 86-51-36.979579 702.6816
ST01 34-07-49.128689 86-51-38.005298 693.4223
5 34-07-49.006542 86-51-41.474632 685.2866
6 34-07-48.996174 86-51-41.167322 687.1200
7 34-07-49.040272 86-51-38.976256 692.5116
S1 34-07-54.056142 86-51-38.675281 682.5631
ST03 34-08-01.684763 86-51-35.126607 688.8999
ST02 34-08-01.848601 86-51-37.267498 687.0052
10 34-08-00.445118 86-51-38.649718 684.8194
11 34-08-00.655786 86-51-38.619091 686.2035
13 34-08-00.404853 86-51-38.559556 685.2850