Showing posts with label Wolf Extra match. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wolf Extra match. Show all posts

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Continued Testing

The above will be analyzed quantitatively at a later date. However, my concerns involving the harmonics of my test frame may be valid, but not significant. A full day of testing with other brands and the wolf was performed on Friday September 29, 2012. The receiver barrel combintion utilized prior was held constant. One change was made however; the headspace was reset. The headspace for the 4-W52 I own are all inconsistent and incorrect, including the one I had a 'smith in LA reset (The Sitman stock). The old theory "if you want somehing done right, do it yourself" predominates here. I am pleased.

This is just my opinion: The barrel-receiver is a commercial version and I dont think many were made. It is immaculate; unmodified it will not perform at 100 yds. My guess is that 60 years ago, the chamber, known as the W52 chamber, fit a specific ammunication manufacturer. I do not remember the ammo we were provided; thus none will perform today vs. Anchutz.  Furthermore, I suspect, the Rem 40x combo I have will also show the identical performance.

Ah Hah! Thus yesterday, my frame proved itself appropriate to ascertain the innate capability of the barrel-receiver combo.

Mike's W52 barrel tuner

Also note above: my crude  tuner shrunk the group vertically and maintained it windage. Hmmm. Should affect harmonics in both direction. Yesterday there wind conditions calm. 80^max, clear with startling azure blue sky.

So, now, back to my efforts to install the Shilen chrome moly barrel, i.e. thread and chamber as per Dave Kiff. I am going to turn the end to 0.745". Not on this combo, but on a CMP version with matching numbers.


More Data Inches

      STDx   STDy   delX delY
RWS       0.4651 0.4416 1.5126 1.4548
RWS 30rds 0.400  0.510  1.532  1.791 9/29/12
Laupa X   0.4592 0.3998 1.5367 1.9374
ELEY TEAM 0.5524 0.3374 1.9518 1.0745

FED um22 0.4018 0.4083 1.4279 1.5819
FED UM22 0.346  0.352  1.455  1.351 9/28/12
FED 922A 0.4484 0.4559 1.7888 1.6606
FED 922A 0.4484 0.4559 1.7888 1.6606
FED 922A 0.527  0.383  2.024 1.559 9/29/12

Wolf EM   0.283  0.394  1.104  1.642  9/28/12
Wolf /T   0.400  0.468  1.402  1.545  9/28/12
Wolf EM   0.338  0.342  1.278  1.189  9/29/12
Wolf/T    0.458  0.381  1.686  1.598  9/29/12

Data Analysis

Al Harrels site,, has a wealth of information concerning 22 RF based upon 3D finite element vibration analysis.  These calculations are deterministic from mechanics of material theory.  Mr. Harrel calibrated the 6mm calculations with data provided by Esten to his analysis which enhances confidence in the results. These calculations give the reader a direction and the tendency of a specific change.  This article essentially follows the directions given to me by Dave Kiff.  Dave recommended the Myers chamber;

and in addition I found Rifleman's Guide To Rimfire Ammunition,  Steven Boelter (2006). Steve fired over 30,000 22 RF and has some tests with the W52 chamber.

more to come


OK here is the prototype #1